The Luban #91 Small Shoulder Plane is literally a smaller version of the Luban #92, but at this scale the design works astonishingly well. Narrower and lighter than a Preston 1368 and its derivatives (Record, Clifton 410, etc), the Luban #91, in proportional terms, feels much closer to the original slender cabinetmakers shoulder planes developed by James Syme of London.
The long lever extends beyond the adjuster, preventing inadvertent alterations to the blade setting in use, and the deep swoop at the front provides a nice positive rest for the thumb or forefinger. An adjustable mouth and an excellent twin thread adjustment mechanism provide fine control of the blade position.
In short, if this isn’t the perfect value for money Cabinetmakers Shoulder Plane, it’s very close to it.
T10 Steel, also known as Tool Steel or High Speed Steel is the designation for an alloy made of Carbon steel and Tungsten (W1 in the United States of America). The alloy contains a higher tenor of Carbon compared to other Carbon Steels (about 1%) and a small fraction of silicon (0.35%).
Please note! Photos are for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the actual product specifications.